Download TessieSpinners™ Font Family From Ingrimayne Type

A tessellation is a shape that can be used to completely fill the plane—simple examples are isosceles triangles, squares, and hexagons. Tessellation patterns are eye-catching and visually appealing, which is the reason that they have long been popular in a variety of decorative situations, such as quilting. Most of the shapes in TessieSpinners suggest a spinning motion. Most do not resemble real world objects.
The TessieSpinners fonts contain tessellation shapes that can be used to construct tessellation patterns. It has two styles, an outline style and a filled or black style. The black style can be used to construct colored patterns. To see how patterns can be constructed, see the “Samples” file in the gallery. Most or all of these shapes were discovered/created by the font designer during the past twenty years in the process of designing maze books, coloring books, and a book about tessellations.
(Earlier tessellation fonts from IngrimayneType, the TessieDingies fonts, lack a black or filled version so cannot do colored patterns. Make sure the leading is the same as font size or the rows will not line up.)