
Showing posts with the label tejuela

Download Tejuela Font Family From Underground

Download Tejuela Font Family From Underground Tejuela (Spanish for “Wood Shingle”) is a neoclassical type inspired by the wooden architecture of the ancient churches of Chiloé, an archipelago in southern Chile; which are World Heritage Sites. This typeface has rough and broken forms but with soft strokes. The neoclassical characteristic of Tejuela is due to the architecture of these temples, which belong to this style but adapted to wood with excellent quality and ingenuity by Chilote builders using a material available in the area. Therefore, this typeface reflects the tradition of the fonts of that period, but adapted to the coarseness and warmth of the southern wood of the new world. Tejuela is useful for extensive texts in literature, history, art and heritage; as also for short and large phrases in headlines according to the occasion. Tejuela has eight variants in Roman a Itali...