Download Hybi5 Font Family From Hybi-Types

Download Hybi5 Font Family From Hybi-Types The first sketches of “Hybi5” I made in 2015 using Adobe Illustrator. “Fontself Maker”, an extension for Illustrator, was used to convert the drawings into font-files.
This tool can only create “OTF” font files. For this reason there are no “TTF” versions. It’s not the first font I ever made, but the first to be distributed commercial. The Hybi5 font family can be described as a “crossover” between Antiqua, Grotesque and Brushscript with characteristics from all of this genres. My aim was to design friendly and versatile fonts, which can be used for headlines or slogans as well as for some longer texts. To make the fonts useful for as many languages as possible, I added a lot of exotic accents. All styles contain the whole “Adobe Latin 3 (CE)” chara...