Download Monorama Fonts by IndianTypeFoundry
Download Monorama Fonts by Indian Type Foundry Monorama is a family of caps-only display fonts. Its letterforms are sans serif and quite industrial-looking. While text set in the four Monorama fonts appears at first glance to be monospaced, that is just a strong look ; in actuality, the letters have proportional widths. Monorama contains a number of constructed-design hallmarks. The fonts M and W share a nearly-identical form, rotated 180°. Letters that are traditionally rounded, like the C or the O, are all straight-sided. In fact, the Monorama fonts do not include any curves in at all. Stroke-endings are mostly modulated, looking a bit like the ends of strokes in rounded fonts (but also like college or sports fonts). The Q doesnt descend below the baseline, but still has a tail. The J has a non-descending tail of its own, too. The zero features a slash inside of its counter to distinguish it from the O. Monorama includes a full range o...