Download Fortezza Font Family From Eurotypo

Download Fortezza Font Family From Eurotypo Fortezza is a family of fonts inspired by the great masters who have created the Modern Roman style: Firmin Didot (1764 -1836) and Giambattista Bodoni (1740 -1813)
Both typefaces can be similar, but a trained and close vision, show clear differences in the final result, like its weight and the degree of transition of the strokes. The type of Didot suggests greater warmth and elegance, they are characterized by extreme contrast in thick strokes and thin strokes, by the use of serifs very thin and by the vertical stress of the letters. while the Bodoni type conveys a greater robustness and hardness.
Fortezza brings together the elegance and spirit of both types, but proposes a contemporary vision, establishing a distance with certain features typical of the baroque that was manifested at that time. Download Fortezza Font Family...