Download Marsh Mallow Pop Heart Fonts by Norio Kanisawa
Download Marsh Mallow Pop Heart Fonts by Norio Kanisawa MarshmallowPopHeart is a cute font that imagined a sweet marshmallow. Since hearts are mingled in various places such as voiced points and parts of kanji(chinese characters), it may be fun to look for it. Because the heart is missing, it is recommended for when you want to designing cute. I think whether its good for contents for young ladies. Because it is a thick font, it may be good to use it for headlines and where you want to make it stand out. More It corresponds to Hiragana · Katakana · Alphabet · Numerals · Symbols · Kanji(chinese characters). You can also write vertically. You can use it easily, because it contains JIS first · second level, and IBM extended Kanji(about 6700chinese characters). I think its better to become a font that makes people who use or watch them fluffy and feel happy like when eating a pastel colorful sweet marshmallow. JISIBM6700 Download Mars...