Download Manteiga™ Font Family From Plau

Julia Child once said: the secret to great french cooking is butter, butter, butter.
Thus, we present to you Manteiga - butter in Portuguese! - a typeface for heart-melting, word-spreading goodness.
The idea we had was to play with brush lettering - a style we love - and go as far as we can with the shapes of the letters while finding balance between positive and negative space.
We wanted biiiig personality. And small inconsistencies - the ones that add texture and life to lettering.
We left extensive OpenType features and technical stuff aside for a moment, adding later only what we thought was necessary, like different shapes for the Q, a and g - for example.
All caps setting was something we wanted from the beginning. In text case, the x-height is rather short for a brush script, and this lends a quirky voice.
Spacing is ultra tiiiiight so don’t go too small, but make it as big as you want!
Ah! And there are some fun dingbats thrown in for good measure.